Tuesday, September 15, 2020


          Georgia celebrated its 100 years of independence in May 26, 2018. The Chess Olympiad becomes part of the celebration within the year. The organizers came up with a contest for the Olympic Mascot, and it is an intellectual turtle named Batusha Turtlestein—the official mascot of the 43rd Olympiad. Celebrating its 100 years of independence, Batumi City is a-washed with excitement on the forthcoming 43rd Chess Olympiad!


I have registered 13 of the 14 Palau Chess Team members to 2018 World Chess Olympiad in Batumi, Georgia on July 5, 2018. The 14th member is still on vacation and will be registered before the deadline of registration on July 23, 2018.

                In the Invitation to the 43rd Chess Olympiad, the 89th FIDE Congress states that “The registration of the teams to the Olympiad is open from 23 April to 23 July 2018. Please note that after this date and until 23 August, the registration of the federations will be at the organizer’s discretion and subject to a penalty fee of 100 EUR per person (late registration penalty). The changes made in the team composition or new registrations on April 23 to July 23 will be accepted without any penalty. After 23 August no new registrations or changes in the teams’ composition implying registrations of new participants will be accepted.

                The organizers have elaborated a special on-line system for the participants of the Olympiad and the Congress: https://batumi2018.fide.com/en/register. The link to the registration system is available on the official website of the Olympiad https://batumi2018.fide.com under the section “Registration”.

                The explanations on how to register the Federations to the system are given in a letter attached to this Invitation. Other explanations on the following steps of the Registration will follow. The Federations are asked to follow carefully steps of the Registration and to fill all the fields required by the system as all the demanded information is necessary to the Organizers.

                The accompanying persons of the teams may be registered by the Federations only. Registration of the Congress participants is the same as for the teams. The questions regarding the registration to the Olympiad should be addressed to Ms. Kermen Goryaeva at kemagoryaeva@batumichess.com

                To make the contact between the organizers and the federations easier, the Organizing Committee asks the Federations to nominate only one person in-charge of the registration procedure, who will register all the federation’s participants, their accompanying persons and Congress participants.


No participants, accompanying persons, delegates will be accepted to the Olympiad without having passed the registration through the official system, no accreditation will be given to them as well.

                Please note that the Organizers won’t accept any registration after 23 August 2018 for visas and security reasons. The Federations will receive their Accreditation Confirmation after they have registered to the Olympiad, as well as the name of the Hotel allocated to them and their accompanying persons.

                All participants to the Olympiad must be accredited and wear their accreditation when in the venues (Olympiad and the Congress). The federations must send to the organizers an identity picture of each participant that can be used for accreditation via the registration program. Please note that without an identity picture, the accreditation is not valid.

                If there is any problem with accreditation during the Olympiad, the participants should go to the accreditation center in the Sport Palace. 

The Congress participants should address the Congress Accreditation Center located in the Sheraton Hotel.”
Solution to last week’s puzzle No. 3840: 1. Qxe2+!! Bxe2 2. Re4+!! dxe4 3. d4#
This week's puzzle No. 3841: White to move and mates in 3 (Solution next issue)

Sources: Chess Mate by Roberto Hernandez
               Tia Belau Newspaper
               Page 9
               Volume 27
               Issue 54
               July 09, 2018

               Chess and Music (Perfect Combination)
               The Beginning of Chess in Palau
               By Roberto Hernandez
               Soon to be published as a book

               Music and Me by Roberto Hernandez
               Tia Belau Newspaper
               March 15, 2012 -- April 18, 2013
               April 25, 2013 -- July 09, 2018
               The History of Chess in Palau
               By Roberto Hernandez
               June 09, 2002 -- July 09, 2018

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