1st Surangel Chess Team Tournament
8 players have played for the first time in the 2nd round of the 1st Surangel Chess Team Tournament held at the former Campaign Headquarters of Surangel Whipps, Jr. at the Mason's Hardware premises.
They are Reece Reklai, left, Benerica Daligdig, 2nd from left, Destiny Sisior, who is now with Paquito Suringa, Jr. Black Team, Mohammad Manik Hossain, who played for late Glen Navarroza, Lenge Gibbons, Jello Augaras, Pedro Parmisano and Ethan Naruo.
This game between Reece Reklai and Jai is not official as Reece's opponent is Gian Gabriel Claronino, who hasn't show up yet. They just played a friendly game with annotation and ended in just 13 moves...
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.4"]
[White "Jai"]
[Black "Reklai, Reece"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B23"]
[PlyCount "26"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6 3. Nh3 Nc6 4. Na4 Nf6 5. c3 Be7 6. Be2 O-O 7. O-O Bd6 8. d4
Bb8 9. Nxc5 Qc7 10. Bf4 e5 11. Bxe5 Nxe5 12. b4 Nc4 13. Bxc4 Qxh2# 0-1
Top seed Cyril Tomas Montel, Jr. dealt Bobot Tan his first loss in this event with a masterful conquest in 42 moves of Slav Defense (Exchange Variation)....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "Montel Jr., Cyril Tomas"]
[Black "Tan Jr., Santiago"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D13"]
[WhiteElo "1882"]
[BlackElo "1823"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "83"]
1. c4 e6 2. Nc3 c6 3. d4 d5 4. cxd5 cxd5 5. Bf4 Nc6 6. Nf3 a6 7. a3 Nf6 8. e3
Nh5 9. Bg3 Nxg3 10. hxg3 Bd6 11. Bd3 h6 12. Qc2 b5 13. b4 Bd7 14. Nd2 Rc8 15.
Rc1 e5 16. Nb3 exd4 17. exd4 Qg5 18. Qe2+ Ne7 19. Rh5 Qg4 20. Nc5 Qxe2+ 21.
Bxe2 Bxc5 22. dxc5 Be6 23. Bf3 f5 24. Rd1 Rd8 25. Rh4 Kf7 26. Rhd4 Rhe8 27. Kf1
Nc6 28. R4d2 Ne5 29. Bxd5 Bxd5 30. Rxd5 Ra8 31. a4 bxa4 32. Nxa4 Nc6 33. Rd7+
Kg8 34. Rb7 Re4 35. Rdd7 Rg4 36. Nb6 Re8 37. Nd5 Nd4 38. Ne3 Rxe3 39. fxe3 Nc2
40. c6 Nxe3+ 41. Kf2 Rg6 42. Rxg7+ 1-0
THE SHORTEST GAME OF ROUND 2 IS BETWEEN ROMMEL GULLA vs. Lenge Gibbons, which lasted only 10 moves of Unusual replies to 1. d4...
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.4"]
[White "Gulla, Rommel"]
[Black "Gibbons , Lenge"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A40"]
[PlyCount "20"]
1. d4 e6 2. e3 Nh6 3. g3 d6 4. Nh3 Nc6 5. Bg2 e5 6. d5 Na5 7. f4 exf4 8. gxf4
Qh4+ 9. Nf2 Ng4 10. O-O Qxh2# 0-1
Him, right, saves the day again for the Yellow Team and averted a shutout with a draw against Michael Gulla, left, in 32 moves of Alekhine's Defense (Chase Variation) after a 3-move repetition that resulted in automatic draw.
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.4"]
[White "Gulla, Michael"]
[Black "him"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B02"]
[WhiteElo "1379"]
[BlackElo "1357"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "63"]
1. e4 d5 2. d3 Nf6 3. f3 g6 4. c3 dxe4 5. dxe4 Qxd1+ 6. Kxd1 Bg7 7. g4 g5 8.
Bg2 O-O 9. Bxg5 Rd8+ 10. Nd2 h6 11. Bf4 Rd7 12. Nh3 Ne8 13. Nf2 Bf6 14. h4 Nc6
15. g5 hxg5 16. hxg5 Bg7 17. Bh3 Rd8 18. Bf1 Be6 19. Bg3 b5 20. Bxb5 Bd7 21.
Nc4 Bg4+ 22. Nd2 Bd7 23. Ng4 Rab8 24. c4 Bxb2 25. Rb1 Bxg4 26. fxg4 Bc3 27. Rh2
Bg7 28. Bxc6 Rxb1+ 29. Kc2 Rb2+ 30. Kd1 Rb1+ 31. Kc2 Rb2+ 32. Kd1 1/2-1/2
Rustum Cabuso is still undefeated after trouncing me in 54 moves of Bird's Opening....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "Hernandez, Roberto"]
[Black "Cabuso, Rustum"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A02"]
[WhiteElo "1708"]
[BlackElo "1730"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "108"]
1. f4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. e4 Bg4 5. Be2 g6 6. d4 e6 7. h3 Bxf3 8. Bxf3
Nd7 9. O-O a6 10. d5 exd5 11. exd5 Ne7 12. Qd4 f6 13. Ne4 Bg7 14. Ng5 fxg5 15.
Qxg7 Rg8 16. Qxh7 Nf6 17. Qh6 Qd7 18. Qxg5 Rf8 19. Re1 O-O-O 20. Bg4 Nf5 21.
Qxg6 Nxg4 22. hxg4 Nh4 23. Qg5 Rh8 24. Re7 Qa4 25. Qg7 Qxc2 26. Rxc7+ Qxc7 27.
Qxc7+ Kxc7 28. f5 Rhg8 29. g3 Nf3+ 30. Kf2 Ng5 31. Bf4 Rde8 32. Rc1+ Kd7 33.
Bxg5 Rxg5 34. Kf3 Reg8 35. Rc4 b5 36. Re4 a5 37. f6 Rxd5 38. Re7+ Kd8 39. Ra7
Rc5 40. Ra8+ Rc8 41. Rxc8+ Kxc8 42. Kf4 Kd7 43. Kf5 d5 44. g5 Ke8 45. g6 Kf8
46. g7+ Kf7 47. g4 Re8 48. g5 Re1 49. g8=Q+ Kxg8 50. Kg6 d4 51. Kh6 Rh1+ 52.
Kg6 d3 53. f7+ Kf8 54. Kf6 Rg1 0-1
Benerica Daligdig, 2nd from left, played her first tournament in Palau in replacement for the vacationing Jennifer Angeles. She lost to Bheng Codinera Mendoza aka Baby Edna Mission in 27 moves of Reti Opening....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.3"]
[White "Daligdig, Benerica"]
[Black "Mission, Baby Edna"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A06"]
[BlackElo "1475"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "54"]
1. c3 d5 2. Nf3 Bf5 3. d3 e6 4. e4 dxe4 5. Ne5 exd3 6. Nxd3 Nf6 7. g3 Be4 8. f3
Bxd3 9. Bxd3 Nc6 10. O-O Qd5 11. Qe2 Bc5+ 12. Be3 O-O 13. c4 Bxe3+ 14. Qxe3 Qe5
15. Qc1 Rad8 16. f4 Qd4+ 17. Rf2 Qxd3 18. Nc3 Nd4 19. Rd2 Qe3+ 20. Kf1 Ng4 21.
Nd1 Qe4 22. h3 Ne3+ 23. Ke1 Qh1+ 24. Kf2 Qf3+ 25. Kg1 Qxg3+ 26. Kh1 Qxh3+ 27.
Rh2 Qf1# 0-1
Eugene Labarda likewise is undefeated at Board 2 (Open) after he clobbered Charley Patris in a marathon 72 moves of Sicilian Defense (Unusual White 2nd moves)...
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Patris, Charley"]
[Black "Labarda, Eugene"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B20"]
[WhiteElo "1274"]
[BlackElo "1535"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "142"]
1. e4 c5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. Qf3 Nc6 4. c3 Ne5 5. Qe2 Nxc4 6. Qxc4 e6 7. Nf3 d5 8.
exd5 Qxd5 9. Qxd5 exd5 10. d3 Bd6 11. O-O O-O 12. a3 Bg4 13. Nfd2 Be2 14. Re1
Bxd3 15. b4 Rfe8 16. Rd1 Ng4 17. Nf3 Be2 18. Rxd5 Bxf3 19. gxf3 Re1+ 20. Kg2
Rxc1 21. fxg4 Bf8 22. bxc5 Rc8 23. Rd7 Bxc5 24. Rxb7 Rd8 25. Ra2 Bb6 26. a4 h6
27. Nd2 Rxc3 28. a5 Bd4 29. Nf3 Bc5 30. Nd2 Ra3 31. Rxa3 Bxa3 32. Ne4 Ra8 33.
Nc3 Bc5 34. Rb5 Bd4 35. Nd5 Re8 36. Rb7 Re2 37. Ne7+ Kh7 38. Nc6 Rxf2+ 39. Kg3
Bc5 40. Nxa7 Rf6 41. Nb5 Ra6 42. Rxf7 Rxa5 43. Nc3 Ra3 44. Rf3 Bd4 45. Ne4 Be5+
46. Kg2 Rxf3 47. Kxf3 Bxh2 48. Kg2 Be5 49. Kh3 Kg6 50. Nd2 Kg5 51. Nf3+ Kf4 52.
Nh4 Bd4 53. Ng2+ Kf3 54. Nh4+ Ke4 55. Kg3 Be5+ 56. Kh3 Kf4 57. Ng2+ Ke4 58. Ne1
Bd4 59. Kg3 g6 60. Nc2 Be5+ 61. Kh4 Kf3 62. Nb4 Bd4 63. Nc6 Be3 64. Ne7 h5 65.
gxh5 g5+ 66. Kh3 g4+ 67. Kh2 g3+ 68. Kh3 g2 69. Nf5 g1=Q 70. Nh4+ Kf2 71. h6
Qg3# 0-1
Leif Toribiong, right, and Ethan Naruo are both waiting for Paquito Suringa, Jr. and Elizalde Madrinan who came almost an hour late as they just got off from work. They started their clock as standard procedure while waiting for their opponents. They both lost their games....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "Toribiong, Leif"]
[Black "Suringa, Jr., Paquito"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A48"]
[WhiteElo "1323"]
[BlackElo "1714"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "84"]
Torre, London and Colle Systems
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. e3 Bg7 4. Bc4 d5 5. Bb3 c6 6. Nc3 Bg4 7. Qe2 Nbd7 8. e4
Qa5 9. e5 Ne4 10. Qe3 Nxc3 11. Qxc3 Qxc3+ 12. bxc3 Bxf3 13. gxf3 e6 14. Rg1 a6
15. Bg5 c5 16. Ba4 b5 17. Rb1 bxa4 18. Rb7 cxd4 19. cxd4 Rb8 20. Rxb8+ Nxb8 21.
Ke2 O-O 22. f4 Nc6 23. Ke3 Nb4 24. Kd2 Rc8 25. c3 Nxa2 26. Rg3 Rb8 27. Kc2 a3
28. c4 Nb4+ 29. Kb1 dxc4 30. Be7 a2+ 31. Kb2 Nc6+ 32. Kxa2 Nxd4 33. Rc3 Rc8 34.
Ra3 c3 35. Bg5 c2 36. f5 exf5 37. Rxa6 Bxe5 38. Kb2 Nf3+ 39. Kb3 Nxg5 40. Ra1
Bxa1 41. Ka2 c1=Q 42. f4 Qb2# 0-1
(Steinitz Defense)
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Madrinan, Elizalde"]
[Black "Naruo , Ethan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C66"]
[WhiteElo "1326"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "103"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. Nc3 d6 5. O-O d5 6. d3 d4 7. Nd5 Nd7 8. Bg5
f6 9. Bh4 g5 10. Bg3 Nc5 11. h3 Qd7 12. Nxf6+ Ke7 13. Nxd7 Kxd7 14. Bxc6+ bxc6
15. Nd2 Bd6 16. Qh5 Be7 17. f4 gxf4 18. Qxe5 Rf8 19. Qh5 Rh8 20. Nc4 Ne6 21. e5
Bf8 22. Qe2 Nc5 23. Bxf4 h6 24. Bxh6 Ne6 25. Rf7+ Ke8 26. Rf2 Rg8 27. Re1 Ng7
28. Kh2 Bf5 29. g4 Bh7 30. Kg2 a5 31. Qd2 c5 32. Nxa5 Be7 33. b3 Bf8 34. Nc6
Bg6 35. Bxg7 Bxg7 36. a4 Ra6 37. Na5 Bf8 38. h4 Re6 39. Nb7 Bg7 40. Nxc5 Bf5
41. Nxe6 Bxg4 42. Nxg7+ Rxg7 43. Kh1 Ke7 44. Rh2 c6 45. Qb4+ Kf7 46. Rf1+ Kg6
47. Rg2 Kh5 48. Qf8 Rh7 49. Rxg4 Kxg4 50. Rf4+ Kh5 51. Qf5+ Kh6 52. Qg5# 1-0
Team Captain Dennis Gonzales was replaced at Board 1 by Joel Gemota and played against the still another undefeated player Angelo Salvadora, who won again in 26 moves of Irregular Opening.....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "Gemota, Joel"]
[Black "Salvadora, Angelo"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "1396"]
[BlackElo "1772"]
[PlyCount "52"]
1. e3 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. d4 e4 4. f3 Bb4 5. Bd2 d5 6. Qe2 c6 7. O-O-O O-O 8. fxe4
dxe4 9. Qf2 Ng4 10. Qe2 Nf6 11. a3 Bxc3 12. Bxc3 Bg4 13. Nf3 exf3 14. gxf3 Bf5
15. Rg1 Bg6 16. e4 Nbd7 17. e5 Nd5 18. Bd2 b5 19. h4 Qxh4 20. e6 N7f6 21. Bg2
fxe6 22. Rh1 Qxd4 23. Qxe6+ Bf7 24. Qxc6 Rfc8 25. Qxb5 Rab8 26. Qd3 Qxb2# 0-1
Joel's sister Joan played against the number one woman player of Palau Angelica Parrado and lost in 33 moves of Sicilian Defense 2. ...e6 Unusual lines....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.3"]
[White "Gemota, Joan"]
[Black "Parrado, Angelica"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B40"]
[WhiteElo "1346"]
[BlackElo "1559"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "66"]
1. e4 c5 2. Bc4 e6 3. Nf3 g6 4. a3 Bg7 5. d3 Ne7 6. Bf4 O-O 7. Qd2 Nbc6 8. Bh6
d5 9. Bxg7 Kxg7 10. Bb3 b5 11. Ba2 c4 12. O-O Bb7 13. Nc3 a6 14. Rae1 Qd7 15.
exd5 exd5 16. b3 cxd3 17. Qxd3 Na5 18. Ne5 Qd6 19. Ng4 Rad8 20. a4 b4 21. Ne2
Nf5 22. Nd4 Nxd4 23. Qxd4+ f6 24. Re2 Nc6 25. Qa1 d4 26. Rfe1 h5 27. Ne3 dxe3
28. Rxe3 Nd4 29. Qb2 Qc6 30. f3 Nxc2 31. Rc1 Qb6 32. Qxc2 Qxe3+ 33. Kh1 Rc8 0-1
Manuel 'Jun' Mahor, Jr. scored his 2nd win by whipping Bangladeshi bet Mohammad Manik Hossain in 51 moves of Unusual replies to 1. d4....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Mahor Jr., Manuel"]
[Black "Hossain, Mohammad Manik"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A40"]
[WhiteElo "1533"]
[BlackElo "1498"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "101"]
1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 h6 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 d5 5. O-O Nc6 6. Nbd2 b6 7. Re1 Bb7 8. c3
Bd6 9. Qc2 Qe7 10. e4 dxe4 11. Nxe4 Nxe4 12. Qxe4 Na5 13. Qd3 O-O-O 14. b4 Nc6
15. a4 h5 16. d5 Bxb4 17. cxb4 Nxb4 18. Qe2 Ba6 19. Qe4 Nxd5 20. Ba3 Qf6 21.
Ne5 Bb7 22. Qc4 h4 23. Rac1 hxg3 24. fxg3 Rh5 25. Bxd5 c6 26. Bxc6 Rxe5 27.
Bxb7+ Kxb7 28. Qc7+ Ka6 29. Qxe5 Qf3 30. Qe2+ Rd3 31. Qxf3 Rxf3 32. Bb4 Rf5 33.
Rf1 b5 34. Rxf5 exf5 35. axb5+ Kxb5 36. Bf8 g6 37. Rc7 a5 38. Rxf7 Kc6 39. Rf6+
Kd5 40. Rxg6 f4 41. gxf4 Ke4 42. h4 Kxf4 43. Kg2 Kf5 44. Rg8 Kf6 45. h5 Kf7 46.
Rg7+ Kxf8 47. h6 a4 48. Ra7 Kg8 49. Rxa4 Kh7 50. Ra6 Kg8 51. Ra7 1-0
Batumi 2018 World Chess Olympiad teammates Angelica Magno and Angelil Sisior played in an exciting Sicilian Defense encounter with a see-saw battle that lasted 43 moves. Magno prevailed after seizing the initiative on the 37th move with a bishop skewer of Angelil's 2 rooks...
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney"]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.3"]
[White "Sisior, Angelil"]
[Black "Magno, Angelica"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B50"]
[WhiteElo "1476"]
[BlackElo "1105"]
[PlyCount "86"]
1. e4 c5 2. b3 d6 3. Bb2 e6 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. Nf3 g6 6. Bd3 Bg7 7. Ne2 Nc6 8. c4 a6
9. Bc2 Bd7 10. Nf4 e5 11. Nd5 Nxd5 12. exd5 Ne7 13. Ng5 f6 14. Ne6 Bxe6 15.
dxe6 Qc8 16. Qf3 Qxe6 17. Qxb7 Qc8 18. Be4 Qxb7 19. Bxb7 Rb8 20. Bxa6 O-O 21.
O-O Nc6 22. f4 Nb4 23. Rf3 Nxa6 24. Rd1 Nb4 25. a3 Nc2 26. Rc1 Nd4 27. Bxd4
exd4 28. Re1 f5 29. d3 Rxb3 30. Ra1 Bf6 31. a4 Re8 32. a5 Ra8 33. a6 Bd8 34.
Rf2 Rxd3 35. Re2 Re3 36. Rb2 d3 37. Kf1 Bf6 38. Rb7 Bxa1 39. a7 Rxa7 40. Rxa7
Bc3 41. Kg1 d2 42. Kf2 Re1 43. Kf3 d1=Q+ 0-1
Another short game occurred between 2 first time participant Pedro Parmisano and Jello Augaras that lasted only 14 moves of French Defense: Unusual White 2nd moves....
[Event "2018 1st Surangel Team Tourney "]
[Site "Mason's Do-it-Center premises"]
[Date "2018.08.12"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Parmisano, Pedro"]
[Black "Augaras, Jello"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C00"]
[WhiteElo "1611"]
[Annotator "Roberto"]
[PlyCount "27"]
1. e4 (1. b3) 1... e6 2. Nf3 f6 3. e5 f5 4. d4 Nc6 5. Bd3 g5 6. Nxg5 Qe7 7.
Qh5+ Kd8 8. Nf7+ Ke8 9. Nxh8+ Kd8 10. Bg5 Nxd4 11. Bxe7+ Bxe7 12. Nf7+ Ke8 13.
Nd6+ Kf8 14. Qf7# 1-0
Sources: Chess Mate by Roberto Hernandez
Tia Belau Newspaper
December 29, 2002 -- August 15, 2018
Chess and Music (Perfect Combination)
The Beginning of Chess in Palau
By Roberto Hernandez
Soon to be published as a book
Music and Me by Roberto Hernandez
Tia Belau Newspaper
March 15, 2012 -- April 18, 2013
April 25, 2013 -- August 15, 2018
The History of Chess in Palau
By Roberto Hernandez
June 09, 2002 -- August 15, 2018
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