Sunday, October 28, 2012

(333) MUSIC AND ME (Oct. 25) Parents' Support

On October 09, 2012, these Taiwanese beauties have a pictorial with Roberto Hernandez before 11:00 pm. One of them gave him $5.00 tip for playing "Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin", the most popular Taiwanese song according to Hernandez, that even 4-year-old kids know the song. (Photo by Roberto Hernandez)


I’M TEACHING Uroi Salii piano in 2001 the song “Jamaica Farewell” and her parents, Carlos ‘Hiros’ Salii and Bilung Gloria Salii, were resting inside their room.

The melody of the song sounds familiar to them and they both get out of the room and sang with me with Uroi playing the accompaniment of the song on the upright piano.
After singing, they asked me, “Is that (Jamaica Farewell) the title of that song?” I said yes. Mr. Salii said, “I know the melody but I didn’t know the title of the song.

It’s a very nice feeling that the parents of my students help and support their kids’ music study. When I pursue my musical career, I have to pay for my own tuition fees and other expenses in studying at Yamaha School of Music because my parents can’t afford it.

I always point it out to my students who have parents that can afford their musical study; that they should appreciate being how lucky they are for having all those resources to learn so they must show their appreciation to their parents by studying hard and learning their favorite songs even though it’s oldies but goodies.

It’s a very special sensation if parents can sing songs and their kids are the ones playing the instruments instead of singing karaoke – which is a machine. Live musicians can adjust to the tempo and pitch of the songs. While there is now pitch control in most karaoke machines, the ‘free-timing’ in singing with live musician is something different. In karaoke, you follow the machine while in live musicians, they follow the singer.


I wrote a letter (handwritten) to Jasmine Yano’s parents, Dr. Victor Yano and Jennifer Sugiyama after teaching her the song “Soccer Is My Favorite”.

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Victor Yano,
I haven’t met a perfectionist child before until when I teach Jasmine piano the song “Soccer Is My Favorite”. We started slowly and whenever she makes a mistake, she had to repeat it again from the beginning of the song.

It happened twice that she misses the last note of the song so she had to start over again. I didn’t hear any complain from her or show any sign of fatigue until she finally played the whole song without a single mistake.
We even exceed our time by 10 minutes. After 70 minutes of amusement to her perfectionist character, all I can give her is a tap on her shoulder for a very well job done.

With this character of her, I think that she will excel in whatever field she will take in the future.
Source: Music and Me by Roberto Hernandez
             Tia Belau Newspaper
             Pages 12-13
             Volume 21
             Issue 75
            Octobert 25, 2012

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