Tuesday, August 6, 2013

(533) FIRST BOBBY FISCHER INTERVIEW JAN. 14, 1999 (TBN-June 28-July 04, 2010)

MR. PABLO Mercado of Bomba Radio and Asia's first Grandmaster (GM) Eugene Torre conducted an interview with the late Bobby Fischer, the former world chess champion, in Baguio City Philippines in January 14, 1999 regarding Fischer's memorabilia in the United States.

Pablo Mercado (PM):All right. Which of these properties that you have are now being sold in the states?

Bobby Fischer (BF): No... they're already been sold. They're gone.   PM: Really?

BF: Ya ya. They said I owe them a few hundred dollars which is, you know, without contacting me, nothing. They just sold it off all--stuff that took me a lifetime to accumulate. I had it in. They broke open my safes and they broke open my file cabinets and everything. And sold off everything, sold off like a hundred boxes of my stuff and sold off my photo album, my letters from President Marcos, my photo album with President Marcos--everything.This is just a conspiracy against me and the Jews. They've been pulling this shit from time immemorial about persecution. 

PM: Anyway, Bob, this memorabilia that has been sold that you owned.

BF: That I owned? I still own it.This is all stolen property, you know? I have spent on this... just in storage fees alone over $10,000. I have spent buying custom made safes, custom made file cabinets, with secret built-in safes in the file cabinets, another file cabinet, a safe with special drill proof doors, with a second door inside, combination locks, both timers, in case somebody tries to force you to open it. The works! To preserve my memorabilia. My stuff from Marcos, my letters from President Nixon, books dedicated to me by President Nixon, for President Nixon when he dedicated the books, but he was President Nixon when he wrote to me.  All kinds of stuff, photo albums, statues, the works! They have stole everything and sold it off.

The dirty Jews that want to put me in prison for 10 years.They have sold off it all my memorabilia which I collected over years. They have confiscated, they have stolen my book "My 60 Memorable Games." They have come out with the illegal movie called Searching For Bobby Fischer which is exploiting my name for money.

They made tens if not hundred of millions of dollars in this movie. I never get a penny of it. They come out with the illegal CD-ROM called Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess.Zero for me. I got nothing, even from the legitimate edition of My 60 Memorable Games. 

Nothing. They are thieves, they are liars and it's time to take care of these bastards.

PM: I have a photocopy of several checks that you have issued to.

BF: Yeah, yeah. I faxed them to Eugene.

PM: Yes, who is this Bob Ellsworth?

BF: The guy was acting as my agent to pay my bills there in the states.I have some stuff in storage in New York. I have my stuff in storage in Pasadena which has all been robbed. And I have P. O. box, two P. O. boxes in Pasadena. And I had some property in Florida which I have to pay taxes on every year. This, all of this things come to less than $4,000. So I was sending him 5 grand to take care of all this, plus giving him like a thousand dollars for his trouble.

And he was paying it. But then he got the words from the dirty Jews--"sell Fischer's memorabilia." This was in conclusion with this Bekins storage company in Pasadena. You know, what the hell am I gonna give away all of my stuff which I have taken years to accumulate and to preserve over $400.00. I've got 300 million dollars in Switzerland. I got dough here in Hungary. They did it all behind my back. Nobody contacted me. Nothing. They didn't contact my lawyers.Nothing. They want to destroy everything I've worked for all my life. There is no Holocaust. The Jews are liars. It's time we took off the kids gloves with these parasites.

PM: Okay, you don't plan any legal moves against them? Against those who sold your memorabilia?

BF: They control the courts.It's just a charade they go through. It's Facade City -- you know, Facade City. I've been involved in suits in America. Never got a penny. Never got a stop order, never got nothing. I've been involved about 5 or 6 lawsuits, about 5 cases throughout the years, never got a penny, never got any property back, never got a stop order, never got nothing man. I've spent a lot of money, and I have all the documents, and I have all the justice on my side. It's a joke. The United States is a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed bastards.

PM: Bob, I have no other questions. Maybe Eugene, he has a few questions for you.

Eugene Torre: Hi. Hi, Bobby. Well, uhh, not much questions. I think you have expressed, uhh, quite good your side, and exposed how these people, you know? I think it should be over now and I have good news. I was able to contact. Anyway, maybe you can get in touch with me later, ok?

BF: Okay, I'll call you at home, OK? What time? I'll call you what, in 10 minutes, half an hour?

ET: Maybe in half an hour, ya.

BF: OK, OK. Did we go out live. Did we go out live?

ET: This is live. This is live, Bobby. Everybody hears...

BF: OK, good, you know, because that's the only way to go, you know. I don't like to be edited, you know.

ET: No, no No editing here. Here, it's live.

BF: Get a copy. Get a copy of this okay?

ET: Ya, I got already here a tape of this conversation, this interview, ok? So give me a call after 30 or one hour, no?

BF: Okay, take it easy.

ET: Okay, bye.         

Source: Chessmate by Roberto Hernandez
            Tia Belau Newspaper
            Pages 13 & 15
            Volume 19
            Issue 26
            June 28-July 04, 2010         

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